#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = Spaces of the Un-Entitled ## Skin ### Button Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = ARTIST INFO Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0_mobile.label = ARTIST INFO Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0.label = lorem ipsum Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145_mobile.label = lorem ipsum Button_DE959C0B_C448_53F2_41E3_FD40DDF57057.label = BOOKING INQUIRiIES Button_DE959C0B_C448_53F2_41E3_FD40DDF57057_mobile.label = BOOKING INQUIRiIES ### Multiline Text HTMLText_062AD830_1140_E215_41B0_321699661E7F.html =

Spaces of the Un-Entitled

“Stay dangerous,” a motto coined by D. Watkins, describes Devin Allen’s approach to artistic life and philosophy, and the impetus of his work in Spaces of the Un-Entitled. “Stay dangerous” is a challenge and a promise. It means that if you have the strength and daring to be honest in your experience of and interaction with the world, you can count on two things- Your strength will demand respect, and Your honesty will be a danger to those who live and profit by refusing it- and consequently, a danger to you. As you refuse to yield, you prove you have the strength to back up the danger of honesty. The more you stay dangerous, the more dangerous you become to the status quo.

Allen invites the audience to “Stay dangerous” as they reexamine their perceptions, experiences, and truths of the Spaces of the Un-Entitled, and our shared experience. ‘Spaces’ considers the immersive and connective qualities of photography, installation, and performance. The day after opening night, Devin Allen will speak with ghosts from his Un-Entitled past, the ghosts who reside in what was left behind, who are lost as Gentrification erases the history of neighborhoods.

“Stay dangerous” is about respect, as Spaces of the Un-Entitled respects the architectural history of the homes and lives left behind. And it’s about truth, as Devin Allen refuses to allow these spaces and lives to disappear under spackle and paint.

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Spaces of the Un-Entitled

“Stay dangerous,” a motto coined by D. Watkins, describes Devin Allen’s approach to artistic life and philosophy, and the impetus of his work in Spaces of the Un-Entitled. “Stay dangerous” is a challenge and a promise. It means that if you have the strength and daring to be honest in your experience of and interaction with the world, you can count on two things- Your strength will demand respect, and Your honesty will be a danger to those who live and profit by refusing it- and consequently, a danger to you. As you refuse to yield, you prove you have the strength to back up the danger of honesty. The more you stay dangerous, the more dangerous you become to the status quo.

Allen invites the audience to “Stay dangerous” as they reexamine their perceptions, experiences, and truths of the Spaces of the Un-Entitled, and our shared experience. ‘Spaces’ considers the immersive and connective qualities of photography, installation, and performance. The day after opening night, Devin Allen will speak with ghosts from his Un-Entitled past, the ghosts who reside in what was left behind, who are lost as Gentrification erases the history of neighborhoods.

“Stay dangerous” is about respect, as Spaces of the Un-Entitled respects the architectural history of the homes and lives left behind. And it’s about truth, as Devin Allen refuses to allow these spaces and lives to disappear under spackle and paint.

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john doe
licensed real estate salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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The Peale

225 Holliday Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

The Peale Center is a center for Baltimore stories, based in the oldest museum building in the United States. We work with local creators – storytellers, griots, performers, artists, architects, historians, students, educators, and other culture-keepers – to produce and share authentic narratives of the city, its places, and the diverse people who have made Baltimore what it is today. By creating a more inclusive cultural record of the city, we aim to help people everywhere see Baltimore in a new light. The Peale Center is also a laboratory for museum practice, testing, incubating, and sharing new models for sustainability in the cultural sector. In the innovative spirit of artist and founder, Rembrandt Peale, and his family, the Peale is reinventing the museum for the 21st century as not just a treasure house but a production house of culture.

After 20 years of being mainly vacant, the Peale Center is back at the center of Baltimore’s dynamic arts scene, hosting unique and groundbreaking events, immersive and location-based experiences, as well as community groups and arts organizations to provide a fertile testing ground and launchpad for their new storytelling projects.
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The Peale

225 Holliday Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

The Peale Center is a center for Baltimore stories, based in the oldest museum building in the United States. We work with local creators – storytellers, griots, performers, artists, architects, historians, students, educators, and other culture-keepers – to produce and share authentic narratives of the city, its places, and the diverse people who have made Baltimore what it is today. By creating a more inclusive cultural record of the city, we aim to help people everywhere see Baltimore in a new light. The Peale Center is also a laboratory for museum practice, testing, incubating, and sharing new models for sustainability in the cultural sector. In the innovative spirit of artist and founder, Rembrandt Peale, and his family, the Peale is reinventing the museum for the 21st century as not just a treasure house but a production house of culture.

After 20 years of being mainly vacant, the Peale Center is back at the center of Baltimore’s dynamic arts scene, hosting unique and groundbreaking events, immersive and location-based experiences, as well as community groups and arts organizations to provide a fertile testing ground and launchpad for their new storytelling projects.
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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

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consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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## Media ### Title album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3.label = Photo Album DevinAllen-1 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_0.label = DevinAllen-1 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_1.label = DevinAllen-2 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_10.label = DevinAllen-11 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_11.label = DevinAllen-12 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_2.label = DevinAllen-3 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_3.label = DevinAllen-4 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_4.label = DevinAllen-5 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_5.label = DevinAllen-6 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_6.label = DevinAllen-7 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_7.label = DevinAllen-8 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_8.label = DevinAllen-9 album_CE902835_C3D9_D416_41D7_893C0E43ADA3_9.label = DevinAllen-10 panorama_896DADBC_8713_0E5E_41C6_DC8FBDA37FCC.label = Position 1 panorama_97116147_8735_362A_41D2_EC38B62D6098.label = Pano03b panorama_97846A8D_8733_0A3E_41DF_3F897F819625.label = Position 4 panorama_97B223CE_8737_7A3A_416B_868CE05276AA.label = Position 2 panorama_97BEFCF9_8735_0FE6_41DC_F536F0F82A3E.label = Position 3 panorama_97C8F1A6_8733_366A_4193_E419CF8E690B.label = Position 5 panorama_97C961B5_870E_F66E_41E0_D2D3099F3FD6.label = Position 7 panorama_97CCD2FF_870D_1BDA_41D3_D95427F2B147.label = Position 6 panorama_97DBD006_870D_362A_41C4_E28CAA95D161.label = Pano06b panorama_C59E37F9_C814_1E97_41E3_5217A29675F7.label = room2