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A man with round-rimmed glasses smiles broadly in a museum  setting.

Len Steinbach passed away unexpectedly on January 19, 2024 at age 71, leaving an enormous hole in the museum community, and in the hearts and minds of those who knew and loved him. You can find obituaries herehere, and here .

We will gather together in community to tell our stories of Len and laugh and cry a little, as he would want us to. While the timing is during the American Association of Museums conference in DC, you do not need to be registered at AAM to attend this party in his honor.


  • 5pm: Doors open for drinks, food, a slideshow of photos of Len, and a Len-inspired soundtrack.
  • 5:30pm: Stories about Len with MC Jason Reinier and puppets from Submersive Productions.
  • 6-7pm: More stories and mingling; feel free to visit the exhibitions and garden at The Peale.

If you have photos of Len to contribute to the slideshow, please add them here.

Len’s friends ask that if you can, you make a contribution for the food and drinks so we can all raise a glass to Len.

Whether you can contribute or not, please join us on Friday May 17th from 5-7pm at The Peale Museum, 225 Holliday Street in Baltimore, Maryland.

May his memory be for blessing.

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