Event Series Quilted Connections: Sisterhood in Cloth

Quilted Connections: Sisterhood in Cloth

The Peale 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore

Three members of the African American Quilters of Baltimore, Sandra Smith, Rosalind Robinson, and Glenda Richardson, have created quilts to thank and honor all those who supported the Peale’s renovations and reopening this year. In addition, the quilters have created a stand-alone exhibition of their work over the years, reflecting the magic and virtuosity of […]

Event Series Reva Goodwin Lewie Exhibition

Reva Goodwin Lewie Exhibition

The Peale 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore

Breaking away from conventions in both technique and subject matter, Reva Lewie’s art is marked by a focus on the surface qualities of the materials used. Stained glass, metal, and other media reveal an improvisation and “strategic spontaneity” in her approach to art. Reva Lewie moved from more representational to abstract forms, in sculpture, from […]

Event Series Private: Peale Faces

Peale Faces Exhibit

The Peale 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore

Baltimore artist and participatory-history specialist Lauren Muney hand-cut and installed hundreds of custom silhouette portraits of Baltimore City residents silhouettes at the Peale. These faces encircle several rooms on the first floor, giving visitors, residents and guests the opportunity to feel the Baltimore ‘family’ all around them. You can also hear select stories that were recorded by […]

Event Series Private: Peale Faces

Peale Faces Exhibit

The Peale 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore

Baltimore artist and participatory-history specialist Lauren Muney hand-cut and installed hundreds of custom silhouette portraits of Baltimore City residents silhouettes at the Peale. These faces encircle several rooms on the first floor, giving visitors, residents and guests the opportunity to feel the Baltimore ‘family’ all around them. You can also hear select stories that were recorded by […]


Event Series Private: Peale Faces

Peale Faces Exhibit

The Peale 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore

Baltimore artist and participatory-history specialist Lauren Muney hand-cut and installed hundreds of custom silhouette portraits of Baltimore City residents silhouettes at the Peale. These faces encircle several rooms on the first floor, giving visitors, residents and guests the opportunity to feel the Baltimore ‘family’ all around them. You can also hear select stories that were recorded by […]

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