Peale News

The Peale is Baltimore’s Community Museum.

The Peale Wins a Buildy Award!

The facade of the brick Peale building on a sunny day.

The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) has announced The Peale as one of this year’s Building Museums™ Symposium’s Buildy Award Winners. The Buildy Award recognizes The Peale for its leadership and exemplary accomplishment through the planning, construction, and life after opening. 

The Buildy Award aims to increase awareness within the field and the public at large, while emphasizing the value of museums and the need for their ongoing creation, rehabilitation, and expansion to serve future generations.

The Buildy Award Committee noted several factors that contributed to The Peale’s success:

  1. The involvement of the community in the development of the design and its programming, and the impact The Peale is making within the community through programs, including the apprenticeship program for exhibition preparation and historic preservation trades that is unique for a museum.
  2. The remarkable and sustainable revitalization of a significant historic landmark. The Committee noted the installation of an all-electric HVAC system and the gentle refurbishment of existing building fabric and finishes that is inherently sustainable and provides for a healthy interior environment.
  3. The beautiful rejuvenation of The Peale’s garden space and its extension into the adjacent alley. A new elevator fronting the alley provides accessibility to the building.

The Peale is honored to receive this achievement, its 6th award for the renovation of the historic Peale Museum building.

The facade of the brick Peale building on a sunny day.

The Peale Wins a Buildy Award!

The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) has announced The Peale as one of this year’s Building Museums™ Symposium’s Buildy Award Winners. The Buildy Award recognizes The Peale for its leadership and exemplary accomplishment through the planning,

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A black graphic that says, Curiosity Shop, in a gold type. Includes The Peale logo.

The New Curiosity Shop!

The Peale, in collaboration with Dear Globe Coffee, presents the Curiosity Shop! Opening in mid-June 2023, this local shop will be managed by Dear Globe Coffee and be filled with goods from local artisans and vintage

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